It all started it in a pub over a decade ago. There I was, with my friend Paul, in the Fishes pub in Botley having a drink at the bar. I quickly discovered that the chef was from South Africa. Being from South Africa myself, I asked the chef if I could have something not on the menu, a Dom Pedro, and he was kind enough to oblige. The drink was fantastic and it brought back memories from home. Paul didn’t understand why we didn’t have Dom Pedro’s over here.
And so the idea was born…
At first I made them for my friends’ parties, adapting the traditional recipe and giving it my own little twist. The feedback was incredible and inspired me to do more.
Before I knew it, I had branched out and started supplying the Oxford college balls. They seemed to like them quite a bit… Okay, a lot!
The pandemic gave me the opportunity to try something new while I waited for the college balls to return. Now I’m bringing alcoholic milkshakes to a wider audience, and can be found at festivals, weddings and corporate events.